It has taken a moment to bring myself to write this tribute as Ace was the bestest boy I have ever known and he brought so many people together that otherwise would have never met.

He helped socialize me and brought comfort to all that he encountered. Nothing I write or say will do his memory justice, but the love and compassion that he was shown by 4 Paws Farewell in his last moments on earth brings me peace. Until we meet again in front of the Rainbow Bridge – love and thanks to my beautiful Ace!

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Thanks so much Dr Beth and Kelly...I appreciate all you have done for Sulli and I. We could not have done it over this last two yr period without your Palliative and Hospice care! Love, Maggie ScrantonMore Tributes...

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Saying Goodbye to Beau

Saying Goodbye to Beau

Our boy Beau came to us as a rescue. Who rescued who has never been determined. He was quite underfed when we picked him up as he was in a foster home with a lot of other dogs. Beau was a pacifist and stepped away from his bowl the instant another dog approached it....

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